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Industrial Safety
The Company’s biodiversity conservation policy acknowledges the significance of protecting biological species, particularly those that are protected, and the ecosystems that are essential to their survival. The produced paper presents the Company’s risk-based strategy, which requires an evaluation of the threats to biodiversity conservation to be taken into account when organizing and carrying out industrial activities.
The biodiversity of animals, plants, and their environments is not significantly impacted by Kazaneft LLP because of the peculiarities of its activity. The preservation of local ecosystems’ biodiversity is a top priority for the company when it comes to environmental protection, nevertheless, as its primary gas pipelines and gas distribution networks are dispersed throughout the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The Policy’s main tenets are the responsible management of biodiversity and the evaluation of the Company’s activities in relation to their influence on ecosystem services, or the advantages that the environment and healthy ecosystems provide for humankind. The Company is situated both on property next to and inside of specifically designated natural areas. The state’s Syrdarya-Turkestan Regional Nature Park includes the S&A. In Karabalyk district, a 69-kilometer stretch of the “Bukhara-Ural” gas trunkline is located next to the Mikhailovsky State Natural Zoological Reserve.
Kazaneft LLP conducted research on the effects of production facilities on biodiversity throughout the reporting year. Evaluating the condition of the plants and animals in the regions where production facilities are situated was the aim of the biodiversity study. The purpose of the project was to gather factual information on the existing status of biodiversity in the areas surrounding the business and evaluate the effects of production facilities on local flora and fauna. The environmental impact of the Company’s operations was evaluated in terms of the impact of hazardous and polluting substances concurrently with the assessment of biodiversity. The most common dangerous elements and compounds and how they affect surface water, soil cover.
A natural framework with significant ecological capabilities that ensure the stable functioning of environmental components is created by the establishment of an ecologically sustainable system of green plantings with a balanced composition of its elements, ensuring their connectivity within the territory of the sanitary protection zone. The research work demonstrates that the Company’s production facilities do not negatively impact human health, flora and fauna, the surrounding territory, or its landscape. The Republic of Kazakhstan’s Ecological Code lays forth the standards for biodiversity assessments in the areas surrounding the company’s production facilities.
Environmental Protection Action Plans and Industrial Environmental Control Programs have been created and implemented at each facility as part of the “Construction of the Kashagan Gas Processing Plant” project. During the first phases of project conception and execution, the Group of Companies of Kazaneft LLP evaluates the biodiversity of nearby areas. There are no protected natural areas or areas with significant biodiversity values where the Kazaneft LLP group of companies operates. Animals and plants that are recognized as endangered in both the Red Book of Kazakhstan and the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources are not in risk due to the company’s operations.
The business makes an effort to abide by both international best practices and national environmental laws. Our intention is to avoid any negative effects on the ecological diversity in the areas in which we work, particularly the preservation of forests. When output is required and the effects cannot be avoided, the business takes compensatory action. It is against the law to hunt, fish, or destroy or damage green places on the grounds of the Group’s businesses in order to protect biodiversity. These specifications apply to both staff members and contractors. Animal migration and migratory bird migrations are unaffected by the businesses’ location. The business understands how serious the deforestation problem is. There is a compensation policy in place at the Group of Companies Kazaneft LLP.